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Distance learning impairs the vision of the younger generation

The American Academy of Ophthalmology argues that if learning is online for the new school year, steps must be taken to protect a child's eyes from overstrain.

Author: Bolysbek Dana

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia


The period of distance learning, according to ophthalmologists, caused a noticeable increase in the number of children suffering from overexertion of the eyes, as well as, as a result, a decrease in visual acuity due to the increased screen time. Most symptoms, according to experts, can be avoided by taking a few simple measures.


Distance learning tips to protect your child's eyesight:

  1.  Set a timer to remind your child to take a break every 20 minutes.
  2.  Teach children to look up and out the window every two chapters or close their eyes for 20 seconds. Label your books with paper clips every few chapters. To reach the paper clip is to remind them of the rest of their eyes.
  3.  Make sure children use laptops within arm's length (about 45 to 70 cm) from where they are sitting. Ideally they should have a monitor at eye level.
  4.  To reduce glare, place the light source behind your child's back, not behind the screen. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen so that it is comfortable for children. Do not use the device outdoors or in brightly lit places. The brightness of the screen can cause eye strain.
  5.  Children should not use the device in a dark room. As the pupil dilates to accommodate the darkness, screen brightness can aggravate afterimage and cause discomfort.
  6.  Children should stop using devices 30-60 minutes before bedtime. Blue light can disrupt sleep. If teens are reluctant to do this, ask them to switch to night mode to reduce their exposure to blue light.
  7.  When school time is over, make sure the children spend their time outdoors. Some research suggests that spending time outdoors, especially during early childhood, can slow the progression of myopia.


