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Using an inexpensive patch may be a panacea for antibiotic-resistant skin infections

A team of researchers from America has found a solution for the category of patients with chronic wounds (about 6 million people in the US): a special patch will allow you to receive treatment without leaving your home. 

Author: Aldiyarbek Nurlan 

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia 



Researchers have created a revolutionary way to treat diabetic ulcers or other wound surfaces that has an antibacterial effect to speed up the healing process. The use of an ordinary plaster containing components of ozone therapy and antibacterial drugs will be a solution to the existing problem. 


Ozone therapy is an ozone-enriched antimicrobial treatment option. This method is gaining more and more popularity among US patients. In most cases, ozone treatment requires conditions under which patients must be treated in a clinical setting by qualified professionals. 


The method proposed by the authors of the development is the use of a patch applied to the wound, which is then connected to a small device that generates ozone, powered by a battery. Ozone gas is delivered directly to the wound surface and provides targeted (targeted) wound healing. 


According to scientists, the use of such a simple inexpensive tool, but at the same time innovative, applicable even at home, will not only greatly simplify the life of people with chronic wounds, but will also improve their standard of living, contributing to an increase in their life expectancy. 


