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New device will help emergency physicians and surgeons assess blood loss

In the near future, healthcare professionals will be able to provide the most effective medical care for victims of road traffic accidents, gunshot wounds and injuries thanks to a new device that is being developed that can accurately estimate the amount of blood loss.

Author: Aldiyarbek Nurlan 

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia 



The research team has created a device that can accurately estimate the amount of blood loss by measuring the heart rate. Now military medics and emergency department doctors will be able to provide the most effective medical care for victims of road accidents, gunshot wounds and injuries thanks to a new device that is being developed that can accurately estimate the amount of blood loss. 


Blood loss can result from various injuries. But, unfortunately, quite often, especially with internal bleeding, the fact of hemorrhage can be difficult to diagnose. Thus, compensatory tachycardia (an increase in heart rate) as well as a decrease in blood pressure - currently the most commonly used indicator of bleeding - may remain stable until the blood loss is life-threatening. The new device will help to identify and assess the amount of hidden blood loss.


In the long term, the authors of the work plan to cooperate with clinicians in order to conduct trials on humans, comparative analysis of indicators of the usual methods of blood volume research and this device. According to scientists, this could be a new way to monitor bleeding, which could be used outside the clinical setting, in order to provide the most effective emergency care that will help save more than one life. 


