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A new method of producing red blood cells developed

Researchers have developed a faster, more efficient way to produce red blood cells that halves the cell culture time.

Author: Aldiyarbek Nurlan

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia


Blood transfusion saves millions of lives every year, but, unfortunately, more than half of the world's countries do not have an adequate supply of erythrocyte and plasmacytic masses. The ability to produce red blood cells, especially generic donated blood (O +), will greatly benefit those in need of transfusion in conditions such as leukemia by eliminating the need to draw large volumes of blood.


It is known that traditional methods of producing human red blood cells usually take 23 days to grow cells. When tested, purified red blood cells have been found to retain their cellular functionality. This is evidenced by the high contagiousness of malaria plasmodia, the activity of which is directly related to "clean" and healthy cells, which are affected.


“Our new sorting and purification methods result in significant shorter cell processing times and can be easily integrated into current cell production processes. The process also does not require a trained technician to perform sample handling procedures and is scalable for industrial production, ”the researchers say.

