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Vitamin C is the Key to Rescue Against Muscle Loss in Old Age

Scientists at the University of East Anglia conducted a study that found that older people who consume a lot of vitamin C have more skeletal muscle mass compared to those who did not.

Author: Bolysbek Dana
Editor: Merentsova Anastasia

As we know, people lose muscle mass with age, which leads to weakness and reduced quality of life. This condition is called sarcopenia, which is characterized by loss of skeletal muscle mass and function. According to statistics worldwide, more than 50 million people over 50 years old lose up to 1% of their skeletal muscle mass every year.


The research team looked at data from more than 13,000 people between the ages of 42 and 82. They calculated their skeletal muscle mass and analyzed their vitamin C intake based on a seven-day diet, as well as the amount of vitamin C in their blood.


The study found that nearly 60% of the male participants and 50% of the women did not consume enough vitamin C. It also found that people with
the highest amount of vitamin C in the diet or blood have the highest estimated skeletal muscle mass compared to those who consume less vitamin C.


