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A protein that interferes with lung repair was found

The British researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have found that a protein which is initially helpful in the body’s immune response to a virus can later interfere with the repair of lung tissue. 

Author: Kasym Kasymkhan

Translator: Adildaeva Madina

Copy editors: Kigbaeva Kamila, Issabayeva Madina


      When a virus infects the lungs, the body attempts to defend itself and fight off the infection. One defensive mechanism is the activation of a protein, called interferon lambda, which signals to surround lung tissue cells to switch to antiviral defense.


      Interferon lambda is currently being investigated as a potential treatment for COVID-19. The effects of this protein were investigated in the lab and it was found that if it is active for an extended period, it inhibits the repair of the lung tissue. This could prolong lung damage and increase the risk of subsequent infections.


      It was observed that in mice with influenza, having increased levels of this protein in their lungs meant that their epithelial cells multiplied less. These cells need to replace damaged cells and repair the lung tissue. This was the case for mice treated with the protein experimentally and also mice that had produced the protein naturally, as a result of their response to the virus. 


      Andreas Wack, group leader of the Immunoregulation lab says: This is a really potent protein with many different functions. At the beginning of a viral infection, it is protective, triggering functions that help to fight the virus. However, if it remains in the tissue for too long, it could become harmful. This means, for any antiviral treatment that uses this protein, there is a really careful balance that must be made. Clinicians should consider the timing of the treatment, earlier this better, and the duration of treatment.


      Our results suggest that before pursuing treatment with interferon lambda, doctors should consider at what stage of the disease, patients are, as treatment late in infection may increase the risk of prolonged damage.


      It is important for the organ to restore its protective functions and maintain its activity. Impaired recovery affects the severity of the course of the viral infection.


