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A drug which used for trating malaria, is inactive in coronavirus infection

Hydroxychloroquine, which received worldwide attention as a drug used with Covid-19, did not live up to expectations.

 Аuthor: Tursunova Balkadishа

Translator: Yurankyzy Saltanat

Copy editors: Kigbaeva Kamila, Issabayeva Madina


      Drug research has been conducted as one of the largest trials in the world. At the start of the pandemic, laboratory studies showed that hydroxychloroquine, a drug of malaria, can affect coronavirus.


      Studies in China and France gave little, but significant hope, since the medicine is affordable and safe to use for the treatment of malaria and diseases such as lupus and arthritis, but, unfortunately, the evidence was inconclusive.


      A test was conducted on more than 11,000 patients with Covid-19, among which 1542 patients receiving hydroxychloroquine. However, due to growing disagreements about the drug, the British drug regulator asked Oxford researchers to review their data.


      As a result, it was found that 25.7% of people taking hydroxychloroquine died after 28 days, and 23.5% died with standard hospital treatment.


      Professor Martin Landray, who participated in the process of reviewing the use of hydroxychloroquine, said that this drug should not be used to treat CVI. Further trials with this drug stopped immediately. In one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world «Lancet» was recalled an article on the results of these studies.


      In conclusion, we recall that the studies conducted earlier were not sufficiently correct, as a result, the treatment turned out to be ineffective, however in the future it allowed us to pay attention to more promising drugs, conduct tests and finally find the “gold standard” for Covid-19 treatment.


