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Cinnamon in the fight against diabetes

Scientists from the United States investigated the effect of cinnamon on the normalization of blood glucose.

Author: Тursunova Balkadishа

Translator: Yurankyzy Saltanat

Copy editor: Кigbaeva Kamilа


      For hundreds of years, cinnamon has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. In Egypt, the spice was used as a perfume, the Romans used it in funeral pyres to prevent the smell of a burning human body.


      There are two types of cinnamon: ceylon and cassia, the latter being cheaper and widely used in the world. Previous studies have shown that cassia is effective when compared to diet or oral administration. Cinnamon lowered blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.


      The Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston and the Department of Endocrinology at Beth Israel Deaconess have studied the effects of cinnamon in patients with prediabetes. As a result, it was concluded that cinnamon may slow down the development of diabetes in people with high blood glucose levels.


      A 12-week study found that daily dietary intake of cinnamon normalized blood sugar levels, prompting research on cinnamon as a substance that lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. The author of this study, Dr. Giulio Romeo, argues that now we need to look for the safest, long-term and cost-effective methods to reduce the risks of developing diabetes.


     Currently, the incidence of diabetes is increasing every day. In most cases, the development of the disease depends on lifestyle and nutrition. While scientific studies are testing the effects of cinnamon, scientists advise adding small amounts to your diet instead of sugar and other spices.


Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/21/health/cinnamon-prediabetes-wellness/index.html
