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Diamond-shaped silk bandage detects infection and improves healing

Scientists have developed a new generation wound dressing that can detect infection and improve the healing of burns, skin grafts and chronic wounds. 

Author: Aldiyarbek Nurlan 

Editor: Yeskendirbek Ualikhan



In a study, smart silk and nanodiamond wound dressings were effective in detecting wound temperature (which is an early sign of infection), promoting healing, and reducing infection by certain bacteria. 


The hybrid technology was also tested for resistance to gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, the main infections of skin wounds. 


These major causes of wound and surgical infections in healthcare settings are becoming increasingly resistant to most of the antibiotics available. Research shows that smart membranes can detect early signs of infection and protect wounds from certain bacteria and infections, as well as keep oxygen and nutrients flowing to the area. 


“The implementation of this exciting new technology will provide a beneficial and cost-effective solution to the growing problem of wound healing,” the researchers said. 


