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Drug-free treatment for psychosis was proposed in Norway

Norwegian scientists have proposed a treatment option for mental illness without the use of narcotic drugs.

Editor: Bolysbek Dana

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Translator: Tulkibaeva Nursulu


Everyone knows that psychiatric patients take highly potent narcotic drugs for treatment. Moreover, the prevalence of narcotic drug therapy is increasing every day due to the compulsory use of such patients. People with these illnesses are not easy, they have bouts of aggression, agitation, irritation when the administration of strong drugs becomes the only solution. Dr. Jan Ivar Rossberg, a psychiatrist from Oslo, said the following: "We don't have any effective approaches to treating psychosis without medication."

  Norway has become the first country in the world to include drug-free treatment as an option in the public mental health system. It sounds difficult because the management of patients with mental disorders is difficult without "sedation," but if the drug-free treatment works, it will make a big difference in psychiatry. At present, the treatment of such patients is limited to the minimal use of narcotics at first, only during periods of severe exacerbation. Patients are transferred to therapy in the form of art therapy, animal therapy, and being in complete peace of mind.

On the example of several patients, there are results where patients felt relatively better than when taking narcotic drugs. Some had an improvement in their condition when visiting their native places, playing with animals, drawing their feelings on canvas, and so on.

At this point in the large-scale project in Norway, we are comparing the principles of therapy, as well as minimizing the use of compulsory medication.


Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-56097028
