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Rimehepant outperforms placebo in migraine treatment

Rimehepant, taken every other day, has been shown to be effective as a preventative treatment for migraines, according to a study published Dec. 15 in The Lancet.

Editor: Akhmetova Aigerim

Author: Bolysbek Dana



Robert Krop, MD, of Biohaven Pharmaceuticals in New Haven, Connecticut, and colleagues compared the efficacy of remegepant versus placebo for the prophylactic treatment of migraines. Participants from 92 centers were randomly assigned to two groups. The first group of oral remegepant included 348 patients and the second group of placebo 347 patients. Both groups took medication every other day for 12 weeks.


The researchers found that remegepant outperformed placebo in changing the average number of migraine days per month over a period of 9-12 weeks. At the same time, the average number of days with migraines per month decreased by 4.3 days in the remegepant group and by 3.5 days in the placebo group. More than one-third (36 percent) of patients receiving remegepant reported side effects, as did 36 percent of those receiving a placebo. Treatment discontinuation due to adverse event occurred in seven participants receiving remegepant and four participants receiving placebo.


"The shorter half-life of remegepant compared to monoclonal antibodies is especially beneficial for patients who have planned or unplanned pregnancies or side effects that may require rapid discontinuation of drug exposure," the authors write. "Additional research may help clarify the role of remegepant in the simultaneous prevention and acute treatment of migraine."


Several authors have disclosed financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, including Biohaven, which makes remegepant, and funded the study.


Source: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-12-rimegepant-bests-placebo-migraine...
