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Cancer's "Achilles Heel"

In order to more effectively fight cancer, a study was carried out regarding its internal effects on the body. 

Author: Aldiyarbek Nurlan 

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia 



One of the biggest challenges in developing medical treatments for cancer is that there are many. Oncocytology of various organs and systems has its own characteristics, which affects the body's susceptibility to anti-cancer agents. 


With the aim of creating the most effective cancer treatments, scientists are striving to understand what makes cancer cells work. The researchers would apply a technique called Raman spectroscopy (Raman spectroscopy). 


Using this method, the scientists studied the metabolites present in five melanoma cell lines. By studying melanoma cells, researchers can draw conclusions about the metabolism of cancer cells and the mechanisms of drug action on them. 


As a result of the study, the team of scientists discovered several new metabolic factors of susceptibility of cancer cells, including synthesis of fatty acids and monounsaturation, which in the future will help in the creation of drugs that have a direct effect on oncology. 


Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200928093744.htm 
