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A reusable face mask has been created, the protective properties of which correspond to one of the best respirators

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a silicone reusable mask.

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Editor: Kigbaeva Kamila


In the context of a pandemic, the use of personal protective equipment has become a priority need for medical workers - disposable equipment has become scarce. In this regard, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women Hospital in Boston have developed the reusable iMASC mask. The study was published in the British Medical Journal Open.


This product provides protection comparable to N95 respirators (protects against airborne particles by 95%). The mask contains replaceable filters and is also more convenient to use. It has passed the test: several types of sterilization, including autoclaving, oven and soaking in disinfectant solutions. Unlike its prototype, which cannot be sterilized, the iMASC is made of silicone, so it can be sterilized and reused.


However, researchers are not stopping to create more convenient and effective personal protective equipment, especially for health workers who come into contact with infectious patients.

Source:  https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/25/health/reusable-face-mask-mit-wellness-trnd/index.html
