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People, who self-isolated, even before the beginning of the forced «blocking», saved many lives

Voluntary self-isolation has saved hundreds of lives - such conclusion came from the research described in the journal «The Lancet».

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Translator: Issabayeva Madina

Copy editor: Kigbaeva Kamila


      Research results have shown that Americans, who learned about the new outbreak of the pandemic, began to visit less crowded places and left their homes only when it necessary. It is these restrictions on movement around the city that have led to the minimum spread of the coronavirus.


     The spread of coronavirus has also been slowed by the distance between people in public, the wearing of masks and the use of antiseptics in the hands.


      Self-awareness and concern for their own health prompted some residents of the state to isolate and not leave the house even before the decree on forced «blocking».


      Assistant professor of the Department of Civil Engineering and Systems Engineering at Johns Hopkins Whiting, author of the research Lauren Gardner said that mobile phone data had slowed down even before measures were taken to ban traffic on the streets of the country - people consciously reduced the number of their «trips».


      But, unfortunately, there are also populations that are hard to communicate about the dangers of the pandemic, isolating them, restricting movement and complying with all the rules of self-defense. For such people, the only motivation was to ask them more convincingly to stay at home, for example, by imposing fines.


      The coronavirus would have spread even more rapidly throughout the Earth, if it were not for the imposed restrictions on the population. In the same vein, the risks of contamination will be minimized. Thus, all the statistics and estimates of infectious diseases show only one restriction thing: every inhabitant of the planet needs to be fully aware of the seriousness and danger of the world. Since this pandemic is considered one of the most dangerous and merciless, this also leads to a large number of infections and deaths.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/01/health/covid-19-staying-home-saved-lives-wellness/index.html
