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Do not "feed" children with antibiotics

Editor: Aigerim Akhmetova



There is a lot of talk about the benefits and harms of antibiotics.Many people already know that antibiotics have their own side effects.They suppress the immune system.Against the background of their reception, an allergic reaction and dysbacteriosis may occur, and this is not a complete list.In children, the intestinal microflora is more sensitive, so the use of antibiotics can have a longer lasting effect.


Side effects from the use of antibiotics are a common reason for seeking emergency care. The drugs may cause diarrhea or vomiting.About 5 out of 100 children are allergic to them.Some allergic reactions can be deadly.The Mayo Clinic found that if a child under the age of 2 years took antibiotics, he often developed dangerous ailments. An analysis was conducted of the data of 14,500 children. 70% of them received at least one course of antibiotic therapy at the age of two years.


The results showed that as adults, these children were more likely to suffer from asthma, allergic rhinitis, weight problems, and atopic dermatitis.It turned out like this:
the longer the course of treatment with antibiotics, the higher the risk of developing these diseases.


The diseases themselves varied depending on the child's age,medication, and dosage.


Contrary to the general belief about the short-term harm of antibiotics, their use has long-term consequences. In addition, the use of antibiotics for no reason leads to the fact that the bacteria stop responding to them.The treatment is coming to naught and the diseases are progressing.Sometimes they turn into a chronic form.
