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A revolutionary remedy in the fight against type 2 diabetes

Scientists from the University of Melbourg (Australia) have found that SMOC1 protein helps lower blood glucose levels. 

Author: Bolysbek Dana 

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia 



A study by researchers at the University of Melbourne found that the SMOC1 protein, which is naturally produced by the liver, can lower blood glucose levels. Thus, the engineered form of SMOC1 has the potential to be one of the best drugs in the fight against type 2 diabetes. 


Type 2 diabetes affects about 400 million people worldwide, and this figure is growing quite rapidly. The high level of glucose in the blood, observed in diabetes, can lead to the development of pathology on the part of the cardiovascular system, damage to target organs. The treatments currently used may, despite their efficacy, have limited sustainability and rather significant side effects. 


It is expected that a new class of SMOC1 therapies may be more effective over the long term. A study published in Science Translational Medicine showed that glucose-responsive SMOC1 normalized blood sugar levels in diabetic animals. 


University of Melbourne professor Matthew Watt noted that the next step is human trials, which will require the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry. 


The drug is likely to be injected once a week. According to experts, alternative methods of administration, which are also being developed by this group, need further research. 


Source: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-09-protein-discovery-diabetes-treatment.html 
