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Test tube steak: What do you know about alternative meat?

Аuthor: Umerzakova Aigerim

Editor: Kigbaeva Kamila, Аibulova Diana






       At the moment, a good number of scientists have set fire to the idea of growing meat using bioengineering techniques. The world’s population is growing every year, and it will very soon be difficult for livestock breeders to meet human needs for their products. That is why there is a need for an alternative, or to be more precise, artificial meat.


       Substitute products are not new on the market, as there has always been vegetarian food based on different varieties of mushrooms and pulses as substitutes for meat. However, in recent years the market has started to develop a variety of «lean» meat in laboratories. Artificial meat is grown by bioengineering technology, the concept of which is the molecular distribution of resources. This method makes it possible to produce meat from individual muscle cells - myocytes. The bottom line is that beef meat doesn’t have to kill an animal. All you have to do is take a small amount of muscle tissue from it with a syringe and extract the myosatellitis stem cells from it, and then put it into a bioreactor, and as a result, you get a full-fledged piece of meat. The whole process does not require breeding or killing animals and takes a minimum amount of time, which in turn can have a positive impact on food markets. The advances in this technology are certainly significant, but so far artificial meat costs far more than usual.


       We believe that such an alternative is of great importance to the environment in almost all respects, including land use, water management and combating climate change. Livestock production is one of the most intensive and progressive activities related to greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention the damage to animal life, and we hope that the artificial meat market will have a significant impact on these problems.

