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New Australian drug is a breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment

Scientists from Australia have come up with a remedy for the most aggressive type of prostate cancer.

Author: Bolysbek Dana

Editor: Kigbaeva Kamila


       Professor De Richardson of the University of Australia reported that prostate cancer is caused by androgens, namely testosterone (the male sex hormone). The problem with existing therapies was that in those patients who underwent castration to lower testosterone levels, the cancer could continue to grow following an androgen-independent pathway.


       "Androgen-independent" tumors are resistant to castration, are very difficult to treat, and are more likely to result in death.


        According to the study, a new drug known as DpC, developed by Richardson and others, overcomes both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent tumor pathways, vastly superior to existing treatments.


        According to the professor, the drug suppresses the androgen receptor apparatus, which is critical for overcoming the resistance of prostate cancer. Also, when the receptors are disabled, the level of specific prostatic antigen decreases, this contributes to the cessation of the spread of cancer cells.

Source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-08/05/c_139266638.htm
