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How has the pandemic changed our world?

Brief results of the year that influenced our planet: how humanity has changed.

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Translator: Issabayeva Madina

Copy editor: Kigbaeva Kamila


      In December 2019, an outbreak of a particularly dangerous Covid-19 infection began in Wuhan, China. From that moment on, the world did not suspect the beginning of a very serious situation that would engulf the entire planet. More and more people were dying from viral pneumonia, which doctors could not cope with. The World Health Organization has recognized the causative agent of this pneumonia as a new strain that does not have specific therapy. 


      On January 23, 2020, the city of Wuhan was completely blocked, and a strict quarantine was introduced in the city. In early February, the virus spread to other cities in China. The result is thousands of infected and hundreds of deaths. February 14 - the first cases of coronavirus infection in Asia and France. By March, the infection spread to almost the entire Eurasian continent. On March 14, France and Spain announced the blockade of their territories.


      All planned large-scale events, such as the Olympic Games, which were due to take place in Japan this year, have been canceled. By April 2020, the death toll from infections in Europe had risen to hundreds of thousands. Patients died every day, every hour... During these months, millions of cases of confirmed infection were recorded, the number of which grew exponentially.


      Director of the Institute of Public Health at the Higher School of Economics – Larisa Popovich said that no one is safe from the return of the viral infection. Until there is a vaccine and herd immunity, the "three T" strategy will have to be implemented: traffic - closing borders, testing - the widest possible testing for early detection, including asymptomatic carriers, and tracing - contact tracing to break the chain of infection. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no other ways to prevent mass mortality from CVI, except for a lockdown (mass closure of institutions and cancellation of events) and compliance with strict epidemic measures.


1) https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-53201759/coronavirus-six-months-that-changed-our-world

2) https://www.rbc.ru/society/01/07/2020/5efaee199a79470141d52d25
