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How to raise children to be good people? Father's guide to raising good people

Aaron Gouveia offers parents his leadership in his new book, "Raising boys to become good men: a parent's guide to raising happy sons in a world filled with toxic masculinity " that will help parents on the difficult road to better parenting boys.

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Translator: Turarova Aiym

Copy editor: Kigbaeva Kamila


      The idea of masculinity (since childhood, boys have been taught this quality): to protect the family, to be a support, to be strong, they tend not to accept rejection and defeat, and now, at the height of the pandemic, the moment of mass revolt for racial justice in the world remains very difficult.


      Gouvea agrees with the idea of many parents with children to lead conversations on difficult topics from a young age. He believes that if you put these topics on hold over time, it will become more and more difficult to talk about them in the future. His advice: you need to start talking earlier and discuss it more often, since children can learn about it from different sources at the present time - from the neighboring yard, at school from their peers, on the Internet, and understand the information and put it in their memory may not be as much as parents would like.


      "Men commit suicide 3.5 times higher than women, almost all mass shootings are committed by men – these people are evil, and they have not learned to cope with difficulties to get rid of rage, except by violence," says Aaron Guvea.


      Men don't talk about their problems or their feelings. They are simply resistant and emotionally distant from women. But there is a correlation between emotional distance and resilience and rejection, plus weapons and violence are almost inevitable.


      We will always make mistakes, this is natural, we need to accept it. Another good model for boys is recognizing mistakes and learning from them. When we give birth to children, we have a huge responsibility. Our children are always watching us, seeing all the little things that we agreed and made. They take an example from adults, modeling their behavior. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with yourself, your behavior, words and manners. You need to continue to instill values in children, be able to instill priorities in children and treat any situation in life correctly.


Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
