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"Smart" disinfectants to fight COVID-19

"Modern problems require-modern solutions" under such slogans began to conduct their research at the University of Sheffield and Leeds in the fight against the spread of the pandemic. The goal of their work was to improve hand hygiene among working offices and businesses in America.

Editor: Bolysbek Dana

Author: Inara Akhmetzhanova

Translator: Tursunova Balkadisha


"The pandemic has become a catalyst for the rapid development of new and innovative solutions to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and enable companies to take control of the management of hygiene and the well-being of staff" - so the developers of the study believe. Savortex, a company dedicated to hand hygiene technology, can track in real time how often workers use the disinfectant, also send reminders to staff to disinfect their hands, or restrict access to the building for those who did not. In the event that the sanitizer runs out, the company will be notified immediately, so this will lead to proper cost planning.

Such an approach to hand hygiene will significantly reduce the spread of infection, increase social responsibility among employees, and become an occasion to reconsider their attitude to the recommendations on occupational health and safety in the workplace.

Also, the IMMS team wants to remind you of the importance of personal hygiene and wearing masks.

* Regularly treat your hands with an alcohol-containing product or wash them with soap. This measure will eliminate possible microbial contamination of the hands, including viral contamination.

* If possible, do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands. A person touches many surfaces with their hands, so there is a possibility of getting viral particles on them. Once on the hands, the virus particles can get into the eyes, nose or mouth. From these organs, the virus can enter the body and cause disease.

* Cover your mouth or nose with the crook of your elbow or a napkin when coughing or sneezing. The used napkin should be immediately thrown into the tank with a closing lid and wash your hands. By strictly following the rules of respiratory hygiene, you can protect others from diseases caused by viruses, such as SARS, influenza and COVID-19.

* Regularly treat and disinfect surfaces, especially those that people often touch, such as door handles, taps, and phone displays.


Source: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210212/Research-could-help-improve-hand-hygiene-in-offices-using-new-smart-hand-sanitizers.aspx

