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Observation of intestinal regeneration under a microscope

A team of researchers from Peking University, a key laboratory for Cell Proliferation and Differentiation, has created a new platform that allows you to model the regeneration of the intestine after injury, in vitro.

Editor: Akhmetova Aigerim

Author: Aigerim Akhmetova



Organoids are stem cells that can mimic the structure and function of organs. In other words, it is a miniaturized version of the organ obtained in vitro. The first organoids were obtained from amphibians and embryonic chickens. Currently, there are many types of organoids: cerebral organoid, lingual, thyroid, thymus, etc.



Scientists from China have created a new system for the cultivation of intestinal organoids, consisting of 8 components, including the medium R-Spondin 1, which simulates the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium, producing hyperplastic crypts after damage; therefore, these organoids were designated as hyperplastic intestinal organoids (hyperorganoids). Research has highlighted the importance of epigenetic reprogramming, which is a pioneer of tissue repair.



Until now, the existing culture of intestinal organoids significantly differed in cellular composition and function from the normal homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium. Homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium primarily depends on the active cycle of Lgr5 + crypts - the main columnar cells that give rise to all major types of intestinal epithelial cells. Compared with conventional intestinal organelles, these new organelles revealed a deep complex structure of the crypt-villus. In this study, a system for culturing hyperplastic intestinal organoids, which shares regenerative properties with hyperplastic intestinal epithelium, was created in vivo.


Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-00453-x
