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Popular life hacks with Tik-Tok can pose a health threat

Medical organizations have warned about the dangers of using cosmetic procedures from the Tik-Tok social network.

Author: Tursunova Balkadisha

Editor: Merentsova Anastasia


Following the advice indicated in the videos that have received multimillion-dollar views on teeth whitening, mole removal, lip augmentation, and so on, can lead to irreversible consequences and negatively affect health in general.


The British Association of Dermatologists, the British Dental Association and the British Skin Foundation urge the population not to carry out experiments on their bodies in order to avoid serious consequences, if they are still impatient to try one of these methods, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist before that.


There is no evidence to support removing moles at home by scraping them with chemicals - this method can lead to bleeding, infection and scarring. Another striking example of following the advice from the social network Tik-Tok is the introduction of eyelash glue into the lips to create plumpness of the latter. However, after the increase in lip volume, there will be a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the lips, up to and including deformity.


The use of tooth whiteners containing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide in their composition can also cause irreparable harm. This can lead to burns, inflammation and irritation of the entire mouth. In order to obtain a beautiful, contour tan, including for creating a pattern, Tik-Tok recommends applying sunscreens to different areas in different ways, however, dermatologists warn that although skin cancer can affect any part of the skin, areas with a pattern are most susceptible to action ultraviolet radiation.


Based on these examples, health professionals recommend that social media users adequately and reasonably listen to "health advice", first of all, when consulting a medical specialist.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53921081?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/health&link_location=live-reporting-story
