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Popular stress

Аuthor: Аbikenova Ayazhan

Editor: Кigbaeva Kamila





      Why the concept of «stress» is so relevant now? There are many types of stress: physiological, psychological, informational, etc. Each of them is characterized in its own way, but the essence of their occurrence is the same.


       Stress is an adaptive response of the humans and animals to the impact of external triggers, which is a physiological process. Every day a modern person, faced with stressors, copes with their manifestations in different ways.


      Stress on emotional level  associated with tension, fatigue, and lethargy, and certainly it is not the same for everyone. But let's look at it from the biological aspect: before important events,  unexpected circumstances, unknown situations, we begin to worry, fear, stutter, in a word, a feeling of fear appears, and this is sometimes uncontrollable. The reason for this is adrenaline and cortisol -stress hormones.


       In a certain amount, these two hormones help the body to survive stress or avoid life threatening situation, otherwise, without a feeling of fear, we would do everything that only comes into our minds. In addition, they participate in the “fight-or-flight” mechanism: they stimulate and push us to do certain actions, get out of bed in the morning, exercise, go to work. After each action, the level of cortisol gradually decreases until the end of the day, and on the signal, the body requires sleep. However, this algorithm does not work for everyone. Constantly high levels of cortisol and adrenaline lead to paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, and in the worst case - to decreased immunity, increased blood pressure and heart disease.


      Therefore, scientists recommend directing the overflow of energy in a more correct direction: playing sports, chatting with friends or meditation - there are many such ways. The more relaxed we are about different kinds of situations, the more optimal the stress level will be obtained.
