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The role of the dog in the development of the child

The influence of pets, namely dogs, on the health and harmonious development of the child.

Author: Тursunova Balkadishа

 Translator: Yurankyzy Saltanat

Editor: Кigbaeva Kamilа


       Everyone knows the positive influence of dogs on the emotional background and psychological environment, because it is believed that a pet brings all family members closer together. In the stream of endless affairs, we sometimes forget about physical activity and elementary "live" emotions. This is what spending time with a pet gives us.


       A study, which published in the journal Pediatric Research, says, walking and playing with a pet stimulates a child's social and emotional development. According to the study, children whose families had pets were 30% less prone to behavioral disorders, and their psycho-emotional development corresponded to the norm. In addition, these children had regular physical activity, which helps to reduce the risk of childhood obesity.


       In terms of preschool children, an Australian study found that toddlers who had pets in their homes had higher social benefits compared to babies who had no pets. Such children are more active, communicative, sociable and get along with other children without problems. Dr. Jenny Radeski, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Human Growth Center, says that problems in children, such as isolation, loneliness and lack of friends, especially relevant during a pandemic, can be solved by the introduction of a dog in the house.


      To have a pet or not is a purely individual matter, and it is necessary to take into account the opinion of all family members, because we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/05/health/dogs-benefit-toddler-social-emotional-development-wellness/index.html
