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USA and Pfizer (pharmaceutical company) deal to manufacture Covid-19 vaccines

A $ 1.95 billion deal has been signed between the USA government and Pfizer to produce vaccines against coronavirus infection.

Аuthor: Tursunova Balkadishа

Translator: Yurankyzy Saltanat

Copy editor: Kigbaeva Kamilа


      The production of 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines, and 500 more if needed, has been negotiated between the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the USA Department of Defense, Health and Human Services.


      However, the developers of Pfizer and BioNTech need to pass the third stage of clinical trials for the safe and effective vaccination. If approved, the vaccine will ship later this year.


      According to the World Health Organization, about twenty vaccines around the world are in clinical trials. This vaccine, under the terms of the agreement, will be provided free of charge to USA residents.


      Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Burla said the company is ready to take such a large-scale action to successfully and securely help the American population.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/22/health/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-government-contract/index.html

