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Palliative care is a philosophy of life

 Author: Aldanova Aziza

Translated by: Yurankyzy Saltanat




       There are more and more incurable diseases over the years, and scientists are going deeper and creating new research in search of solutions. One group of people hopes for a miracle cure, and some lose hope, while others forget about the worst outcome and simply enjoy life. But what to do with those who have lost the meaning and hope? Palliative care, that's what comes to the aid of such people. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with serious illnesses. The main goal is to improve the quality of life of the patient and his family, focusing on the relief of symptoms and diseases. Palliative care is based on the needs of the patient, not on their prognosis, which is its feature. After all, the psychology of people is pessimistic, hearing about the worst prognosis, they forget about their true needs, about the possibility of continuing life. Help is available for all ages and at different stages of the disease. Employees are also doctors and work closely with other doctors of narrow specialization, thereby improving the level of support.


        Palliative care is not a medicine, but philosophy, and maintaining it is charity. The word “mercy " was removed from General use in the 20s of the twentieth century due to class division, and only 60 years later it was introduced into publicists speech. In modern times, it is often used in psychology: charity - charity, which is close in meaning to humanity, ethics, moral orientation, kindness and patience. The same qualities should be shared by staff in palliative care centers and hospices. They show empathy and provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual support.


       The world health organization (who) and many national and international environmental organizations approve and support an early access to palliative care from the moment of diagnosis confirmation. Researchers have determined that for patients in advanced stages, early palliative care has a beneficial effect on both physical and mental health, and can even prolong life. The study, conducted at the Princess Margaret Cancer center in Ontario, Toronto, involved 71 participants (48 patients, 23 caregivers), of which 40 participants received palliative care and standard cancer therapy, while 31 participants received only standard therapy. Participants had cancers of the most common types, such as lung, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and breast cancers, and with a survival time of 6 to 24 months.


      According to a survey of patients and carers, it was found that they felt a negative stigma from palliative care, and they did not leave the feeling that death is approaching. And scientists have thought deeply about changing the name of palliative care. But, another study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh school of Medicine focused on the philosophy of palliative care. A systematic review was conducted of 43 trials involving palliative care, where 12,731 patients and 2,479 carers from their families were admitted. A meta-analysis was also carried out on the main 3 results of palliative care, such as the quality of life of patients, the duration of symptoms and survival (Meta - analysis is a static process of combining the results of several trials, which gives the overall effect of the intervention).


        Lead author of the study and Ph. D., associate Professor of palliative care and medical ethics in the Department of General internal medicine of Pittsburgh - Dio Cavalier Athos said and noted that this is a compelling message and there has not yet been a meta - analytical study in this area. As a result, people's quality of life has improved, and their satisfaction with health care has increased, all during the most difficult periods of their lives. If in the first study, patients accepted palliative care as an alternative to treatment, which was a factor in their negativity and feelings of stigmatization, and in the second study, doctors tried to present as an improvement in advance planned output, meeting the needs of the patient and the caregivers and tried to reduce medical care. As a result, scientists witnessed how patients gained hope at the very late stages, their mood and quality of life improved. Dio Cavalleros noted that it is important to integrate palliative care with other types of therapy to improve survival, so that it is available to everyone, and not be one of the types of earnings. Palliative care is a serious thing, since the patient's life and internal balance are at stake.


       Historically, palliative care has been focused on people with cancer. But anyone facing a serious illness, whether it's cancer or heart failure, cystic fibrosis or Alzheimer's disease, deserves high-quality and personalized care to improve their quality of life and reduce their suffering.


       Palliative care is a whole philosophy where thoughts, fear, the desire to live, to overcome the disease, not to be burdened, to get rid of negative thoughts intersect with each other, and the helping hand and support reduces the load of stress and depression allows you to easily continue your life in harmony and calm.
