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Eye drops instead of glasses

After five weeks of daily instillation of the drops, crystalline lens elasticity increased by 40%.

Author: Vishnevskaya Karina

Translator: Orazayeva Nargiz

Copy editors: Kigbayeva Kamila, Issabayeva Madina


      Presbyopia is a natural process in which the eyes’ ability to focus on short distances is gradually lost. In most cases, this becomes noticeable approximately at 40 years old. People note that small text becomes blurry. To look thoroughly, they move the book or smartphone away from themselves.


      Drop studies are being conducted for patients with presbyopia.


      The mechanism of the action of the drops is associated with the change of the pupil’s size. With the narrowing of the pupil, the clarity of the vision improves and the lens elasticity returns. Similar drops have been used in ophthalmology for a long time, but with a different purpose. For example, they are used for angle-closure glaucoma (a disease of the vision organ in which intraocular pressure rises).


     If researchers succeed in developing a safe drug that can be tolerant, then with initial presbyopia, close vision will be returned with just one drop.


     New drops are being developed by Allergan, Presbyopia Therapies and Orasis Pharmaceuticals.


