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Soybeans in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists in Japan have found that a fragment of the protein contained in soybeans can prevent memory loss in people with Alzheimer’s disease, a deadly form of senile dementia.

Author: Merencova Anastasia

Translator: Issabayeva Madina

Сopy editor: Kigbayeva Kamila


      Researchers at Kyushu University (Japan) have studied the effects of soybean proteins on thought processes, particularly memory. The isolated molecule, which may become an anti-dementia drug in the future, refers to dipeptides (containing only two amino acids, tyrosine and prolene).

     Experiments in laboratory rats have shown that the substance is the only compound currently found capable of breaking the blood-brain barrier unchanged.

     Researchers have studied the effects of dipeptide on rodents that were given for several days before and after the administration of a substance that mimics the development of Alzheimer’s disease with memory loss. In labyrinth trials, mice that consumed dietary dipeptide performed better than those that received only memory-impairing substances. The fragment of the protein had positive effects on both long-term and short-term memory.

     The authors stress that the human benefits of dipeptide need to be confirmed in further human studies.


