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Happiness hormone

Аuthor: Аbikenova Ayazhan

Editor: Кigbaeva Kamila





         We often hear that when we have enough happiness hormones, such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin, we feel happy and happy. Is this really the case? Let's delve into the knowledge of serotonin.


        Serotonin is actually more of a neurotransmitter than a hormone that transmits chemical signals from one nerve cell to another. The optimal concentration of serotonin in the blood improves mood, causes a sense of pleasure, and also increases concentration in work, improves memory, regulates appetite, and is responsible for healthy sleep, and this is not all of its functions.


       Serotonin production occurs in small amounts in the brain, and most of it occurs in the cells of the gastrointestinal tract. This explains why we enjoy our meals. This leads to the conclusion: when serotonin in the body in sufficient quantities, the appetite is suppressed. Serotonin is also a precursor to melatonin, the sleep hormone that makes us want to sleep. Here you should pay attention to the fact that in the autumn and winter we want to sleep more and are prone to depression. Due to the lack of sunlight, which directly affects the production of serotonin, its level decreases, and during this period people are less productive.


         It is worth noting that all biological substances, including hormones, are interconnected and cannot be activated without each other. Serotonin production requires tryptophan (an amino acid that we get from food), vitamin D, healthy sleep, and physical activity.


        As a result, it turns out that we create a conditionally good mood ourselves, and by producing serotonin, the brain gives us a signal for its awareness. The fictional dependence on energy, dopamine, and other things is misleading. However, it is everyone's choice whether to feel pleasure or not.

