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Coronavirus infection returned to Wuhan

Author: Abikenova Ayazhan

Translator: Uspanova Ainura

Copy editors: Kigbayeva Kamila, Issabayeva Madina


      According to RIA News, on May 10, a new case of Covid infection was discovered in Wuhan. The patient, who was confirmed by COVID-19, an 89-year-old elderly man with concomitant diseases (hypertension, polycystic disease), is now in serious condition.


      An elderly man has not left his apartment in a living complex in the Dongxihu district since January 25. However, on March 17, he developed chills, weakness and fever. For ten days, he self-medicated at home, and the symptoms disappeared. On April 15, the man felt worse and on May 6, he was taken to the hospital, after which he was tested for coronavirus infection. On May 7, the tests showed a positive result, on May 9, a second test showed a similar result, after which the patient was diagnosed with Coronavirus infection.


      Family members were have checked for coronavirus infection: his wife, who tested positive without symptoms, has been recorded as an asymptomatic case and in the daughter test was a negative. The source of infection of the patient may have become a previously confirmed case of Covid in the residential complex where the patient lived. The number of people registered at the time of the epidemic was 20 people. After verification of the patient’s experience, experts in the residential complex revealed another five cases with an asymptomatic course.


      During the day, 16 new asymptomatic carriers were discovered in Wuhan, but they are not included in the general statistics. Chinese authorities believe that only patients with a positive result and symptoms of Covid should be considered. In connection with the identified cases of CVI, the Dongxihu area was declared a medium-level dangerous zone.


      The administration of the district:

"Hubei Province reported on May 10 one local case of coronavirus infection. In accordance with state standards for determining the level of the epidemiological situation and according to experts, the threat level of the Dongxihu District of Wuhan rises from low to medium. All other counties, cities, and districts of Hubei Province are still low threat areas. "


      Currently, 616 asymptomatic carriers of the virus remain under medical supervision in Hubei Province.


